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Pool Fencing Regulations Queensland: A Complete Checklist

Pool Fencing

Is your pool fence at least 1200mm tall surrounding the pool?
Is the bottom of your fence less than 100mm from the ground?
Has your pool fence been built on stable and solid ground?
Are the gaps between the horizontal rails of your fence 900mm or more?
Are the gaps between the vertical rails (including posts, slats and wires) less than 100mm apart?
If you have a glass fence, are the panels made from reinforced glass with no sign of breakage?
If you need a temporary fence for up to 3 months, have you contacted a building certifier or a pool safety inspector for either a Form 16 or Form 26?
If your fences are higher than 2m, have you contacted your local council to check for approval?
If your pool fence has mesh, are the holes less than 13mm?

Non-Climbable Zones

Have you moved all climbable objects 900mm away from the outside of the fence?
Have you moved all climbable objects 300mm away from the inside of the fence?
If you cannot make an outside area non-climbable, have you increased the height of the fence to at least 1800mm?
Have you trimmed any branches within 900mm of the pool fence?
Have you removed all objects (decks, sills, etc.) close enough to reduce the minimum fence height of 1200mm?
Safety pool fencing zones

Pool Gate

Does your pool gate open away from the pool?
Is your pool gate self-closing and self-latching from any position, even from resting on the latch mechanism?
Have you ensured there is no gap greater than 10mm around the gate latch?
If your gate latch is on the outside of the fence, is the bottom of the latch release knob at least 1500mm from the ground and 1400mm above the top of the highest lower horizontal member?
If your gate latch is on the inside of the fence, is it at least 150mm below the top of the gate and covered with a 450mm radius shield with no gaps larger than 10mm?
Are your pool gate hinges at least 900mm apart? If not, does the lower hinge have a non-climbable (60 degree) safety cap affixed?
Pool fencing regulations
Pool gate regulations

Doors, Windows and Balconies

Have you permanently blocked all direct access through a door from the house to the pool area?
Have you ensured that all windows opening onto the pool area do not open more than 100mm or have security screens fixed?
If your balcony is within 900mm of the pool barrier, have you ensured that the balustrade complies with the pool safety standard?


Have you displayed a compliant CPR chart on the pool barrier or visible near the pool?
Has your pool been registered to the QBCC Pool Register?

Still Confused About Pool Fencing Regulations?

Navigating pool fencing regulations can be complex and overwhelming. Ensuring that your pool fence adheres to the strict regulations is essential for safety and compliance. If you’re uncertain about whether your pool fencing meets the required standards or if you need assistance with understanding pool fencing regulations, our team of experts is here to help. With extensive knowledge and experience in pool fencing regulations, we offer comprehensive inspections and expert guidance to ensure that your pool fencing complies with all regulatory standards. Don’t let confusion jeopardise the safety of your pool area.

pool water

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